Intl Jazz Platform is an international educational scheme aimed at students and graduates of music colleges from Poland and abroad, which aims at increasing the artistic and business competences of jazz musicians.
Intl Jazz Platform is a response to the needs of young artists who are looking for creative staff, creative work environment and would like to gain knowledge about moving around the international music markets and developing a network of international contacts.
We provide creative and inspiring conditions for work, individual artistic & professional development as well as dialogue with experienced faculty members and peers.
Intl Jazz Platform provides an opportunity for musicians to meet, share their experiences, establish international contacts and learn from each other.
The workshop is all about free exchange of musical concepts and thoughts, about collective creation of music and peer-to-peer learning. Intl Jazz Platform is a much needed bridge between study-time and professional life.
The programme includes classes conducted by prominent representatives of the European jazz scene, as well as representatives of the music industry – festival directors and experts from Poland and Europe.